Updated: August 11, 2020
If you were unable to pick up your K-7th grader's packet at the District Office over the last two days, it will be mailed home by the end of the week. Marshfield, Destinations, and Resource Link packets will also be mailed out to students currently enrolled in the district by the end of the week.
We are asking families who are enrolling in Full-Time Online Learning to still update their information, so we keep everything up-to-date.
The packets contain important documents we collect each year from all students (normally in the spring), plus a new transportation form to help our transportation department plan for when we're allowed in-person learning.
If you do not get a packet by August 21, please contact your school to confirm you're enrolled.
Packets need to be returned to your child's school via Curbside Drop off on August 26 and 27 from 8-11a and 12-3pm
Thank you everyone who picked up their packets over the last two days!